One Complete System.   One Complete Solution.


The GES digital currency is designed to increase individual wealth and ownership of asset(s) of value. 


The GES Earth Defence System protects the Earth from incoming asteroids and other cosmic bodies that may cause disruption and damage our way of life. 

Three Important Problems :

1. Risks for Planet Earth

  • Food production, water supply and habitations
  • Disruption of advanced technologies
  • Recurrence of extinction events

2. Confidence in Public Works

  • Declining funding sources
  • Escalating costs
  • Lagging national development 
  • Taxpayer ROI

3. Money and Banking 

  • Opportunity for prosperity
  • Identity privacy concerns
  • Restricted access in crisis
  • Cross border costs
  • Inefficient tax structures

Globovist Earth Security
Planetary Defence and Safety


The solution called the Globovist Earth Security or G.E.S. came as an idea inspired by the Spirit of God to a person of faith. The many sides to the GES hints at that source called Wisdom.

Why we need the GES for the Earth
The earth is surrounded by many asteroids which orbit around the sun. The vast majority pose no hazard. A few however have been shown to be potential threats to the Earth in the coming decades. The probability increases with frequency over the next century. The Earth shows clear evidence of past asteroid impact which caused tremendous changes including the demise of the dinosaurs. 

Many of our modern systems and technologies whilst tremendously useful do not have the resilience required to survive an impact. The GES security system is designed to give assurance that danger can be averted where it is possible to do so.  The GES system includes the proposition of a new system of cataloguing  potentially hazardous asteroids in a three dimensional manner which facilitates understanding and localisation in space by everyone. 

The GES system will not make use of explosive or nuclear technology and thus will neither harm space exploration nor safe travel. The GES proposes simple but effective arming technology which is driven by Artificial intelligence. GES will make use of secure quantum supercomputing to ensure error-free accuracy.

Introduction to the G.E.S.

The Globovist Earth Security system (GES) is a planetary defence system with a security digital currency called the GES. The digital currency is designed to ensure the growth of individual wealth and promote national development around the world. As the only digital currency backed by a planetary defence system it is hoped  that it will permit trade and activity under all circumstances ensuring functionality of systems. It is expected to appreciate in the event of situations that threaten the Earth.

The GES is a multi-level security system for the planet Earth in the event of incoming asteroids endangering our planet. The GES Earth Defence System is designed to intercept the asteroids before they approach the Earth. The system utilises five satellites around the Earth to monitor a 360 degree view up to Mars and the asteroid belt. The fast orbiting satellites ensure a nearly continuous monitoring of the space around the Earth, day and night, completely free from weather interference. The intervention systems consists of TAC soundwave canons on the ground, a defensive NEO rocket system for airborne asteroids up to higher earth orbit, all of which are supplemented by A.I.-piloted system of impactors in deep space. The expectation is for the GES system to be functional by 2026.

Features of the G.E.S. 

  • Digital currency linked to planetary defence and safety 
  • Moon-based assembly plants and solar farms
  • Hybrid dual proofing blockchain mechanism 
  • Customers retain control of data and coins 
  • Available in crisis 
  • Promotes fair taxation 
  • Promotes national development 
  • Anti-money laundering

G.E.S. Digital Currency and Global Prosperity 


The introduction of the GES system has the debt cancellation of developing nations as integral to its development and implementation. The founders have settled on between three hundred billion and one trillion dollars as sufficient levelling of the field and necessary for global prosperity and progress. A more balanced global state of affairs will remove the political issues that result from skewed economies that hinder growth and prosperity. The GES is needed to boost global trade and growth through increased personal prosperity and wealth.

Poverty is man-made as much as global warming is man-made. There are sufficient resources in the earth and in space around us for an eternity of consumption. The GES will enable the true wealth of nations to be seen by all in particular those considered rich and those considered poor to see the true state of affairs. Trade will be fairer and reward for just work more sustainable. The GES is a purely commercial venture. It is for wealth creation and promotion. The global economy will grow many fold when there are more customers for products around the world. Stifling debt systems have entrapped many potential customers in cycles of poverty. It is wisdom in business to see everyone as a potential client. It is of utmost necessity.